Before you begin your social media advertising and marketing strategy for your e-commerce business, you should first get a high-level view of the distribution of social media usage. Given the growing penetration and use of social media these days, you should start your advertising and marketing efforts by focusing on the structures where you can find the most of your target audience. To do so, you must first determine which social media platform has the most users.
According to current statistics, Facebook will continue to reign supreme as the king of social media in 2022, with 2.91 billion active users. As a result, three out of every four of the three billion social media users are active Facebook users.
Facebook's statistics and social media rating say it all. It is not only the social media platform with the most active users, but it is also the second-most used social media app. Globally, consumers spend a median of 19.6 hours per month on the Facebook app. It is tied with TikTok and ranks just behind YouTube.
Second on the list of the most popular social media platforms in 2022 is YouTube, which has 2.56 billion active users – 88 percent of the number of Facebook users.
Given that 720,000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every day around the world, getting your video noticed can appear to be a difficult task. However, consider the following YouTube statistics: Every day, 1 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube, and 90% of customers say YouTube is where they learn about new manufacturers and merchandise.
WhatsApp and Instagram are the third and fourth most popular social media platforms, with billion and 1.478 billion active users, respectively. Interestingly, both are owned by the same discern business enterprise as Facebook: Meta (formerly Facebook).
WeChat, China's version of WhatsApp, and TikTok, with 1.26 billion and a thousand million international customers, respectively, are further down the list. This is demonstrated by the use of Facebook Messenger, which has 988 million users worldwide.
These statistics paint a clear picture of Meta's dominance on social media. More than half of the seven most popular social media platforms are its subsidiaries—specifically, Facebook, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram.
Social media may be a wonderful tool for promoting a business or product because it reaches a big number of people in the most efficient way. Because social media has a direct impact on a company's bottom line, many companies strive hard to boost their social media presence. As a result, Clients Code is the best Social media company. We believe that helping our clients build a strong social media presence will help them reach their target audience and attract new customers.